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Saturday, February 2, 2008

E-Committee , All the Redhat Linux User Media Player Installation

E-Committee Users or Redhat Linux Users.

Jai Linux

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In the Indian Judiciary, effort for computerization of some of its processes has been going on since 1990. Need was felt to make the programme of ICT enablement of the Indian Judiciary mission-critical. There was an overwhelming realization in the judicial sector in favour of devising a National Policy and Action Plan with appropriate spread and phasing to implement ICT in courts across the country and their web-based interlinking.

The Chief Justice of India made a proposal to the Central Government under the letter dated 05.07.2004 addressed to the Minister of Law and Justice for constitution of an E-Committee to assist him in formulating a National Policy on computerization of Indian Judiciary and advise technological, communication and management related changes. Appreciating the desirability of constitution of such a Committee, the Union Cabinet approved the proposal. Consequently, office order dated 28.12.2004 was issued by the Ministry of Law and Justice (Department of Justice) constituting the E-Committee.

from website:


For all the Linux users who are loving to use Media player to run the VCD's and Movies, Songs in their Laptops

Just follow the Instructions to install the Xine Media Player, which has great features like playing all the media files and VCD,DVD and etc., even streaming also.

The instructions are given below

Download the Following file;11561896;/fileinfo.html (copy and paste this link)

or use this link to download

Also keep in mind that Linux is case sensitive i.e 'A' is different from 'a' for example you can have different filenames like this, and all are different


court, Court, courT, cOurt ..........................................all are different

Before this all doing just login into the system with the username as

username: root
password: redhat

(Note: check the password of your system with the root permission, default for some people is redhat for OEM version of Redhat Linux).

1. Copy the 'xine' folder from the cd-rom drive to the Desktop of the laptop


if you are downloading from above link or URL then locate the file and extract the '' to the 'xine' folder to the Desktop.

i) To extract the '' file right mouse click on the file and press 'extract here'

ii) Then you will see the 'xine' folder on the Desktop and the following files in that folder.


xine-stepbystep.txt for this instructions

You can see the files by double clicking on the xine folder

2. Right Mouse Click on the Desktop and 'Open Terminal'
3. Now terminal opens , so issue the below or following commands

[root@localhost ~]cd Desktop
[root@localhost Desktop]cd xine
[root@localhost xine]ls ----to list the xine directory

[root@localhost xine]rpm -ivh libxine1* xine-ui*
[root@localhost xine]rpm -ivh libdvd*
[root@localhost xine]rpm -ivh w32*


Successfull installed the xine software in the laptop

Now go to the Applications->Sound&Video->xine

To test the xine player open the file by right mouse clicking on the player and choose the directory 'Desktop'
and choose another directory 'xine' there is the file named chakde.wmv and double click on the file

Now you are seeing the song.


'libxine1-1.1.5-070315.i686.rpm' is used to install the library files for xine player
'xine-ui-0.99.6cvs-071123.i586.rpm' is used to install the Frontend or user interface of the xine player
'' is used to install the supporting software for the DVD's
'w32codec-0.52-1.i386.rpm' is used to install the support of Windows video files like avi,mpeg,wmv

for more information or trouble shooting visit the website at or

give the trouble shooting questions here in the comments friends

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